What’s happening at CRE
Community Chat October 2019
CRE members are invited to the publication launch of “Making the Invisible Visible” WA Centre for Rural Health invites CRE members to join them for the launch of the new local publication “Making the Invisible Visible”, an initiative to raise awareness of the...
Community Chat August and September 2019
New sign ups We would like to welcome Bluff Point Primary School, Hon. Martin Aldridge MLC, Laurie Graham MLC, Darren West MLC, Centacare, CSIRO Geraldton branch and the Northern Agricultural Catchments Council to the Community, Respect and Equality Agreement! It is a...
Community Chat July 2019
New Sign Ups We welcome two new sign up organisations to the CRE Agreement –Geraldton Aboriginal Sporting Corporation (GSAC) and Chapman Valley Football Club. It is great to see sport becoming involved to prevent family violence and hopefully other clubs can follow...
Community Chat June 2019
Men Against Violence Here at Community, Respect and Equality we believe that we all have a role to play in preventing family violence. Luke Ringin, a student working with the WA Centre for Rural Health, has helped create the Men Against Violence program that does just...
Community Chat May 2019
Read more to find out what’s been going on in family violence prevention in Geraldton this May. Some highlights include an information session for the CRE Agreement, changes to the Residential Tenancies Act, OurWatch resources and training and more.
CRE Agreement Information Session
On Wednesday May 15th 2019 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at 25 Chapman Road, Geraldton, WA, Desert Blue Connect will hold a FREE information session on the Community, Respect and Equality Agreement for Businesses and Organisations. The CRE Agreement is part of our overall plan...
Bystander Training Opportunity – Not on Our Watch (Geraldton June 12th and 13th)
The Community, Respect and Equality member, WA Centre for Rural Health is very pleased that Our WATCh has chosen Geraldton as the final location to pilot their bystander training for primary prevention of violence against women. The training, which has not been...
Official launch of agreement for organisations and businesses to work towards the prevention of family violence
On April 1, family violence prevention leaders in the community will officially launch the Community, Respect and Equality (CRE) Agreement for organisations and businesses at Geraldton Multipurpose Centre, 254 Marine Terrace, Geraldton from 10:30am to 12:00pm. ...
Community, Respect, & Equality (CRE) Week – as a community we say #ViolenceIsNEVEROk in Geraldton
The CRE week is a specific week where the Geraldton community and local businesses and organisations will host events and activities that promote a community free of family violence. CRE week will run from 1 April to 5 April 2019 and participating businesses and...
Mid West Sports House has signed up to the Community Respect and Equality Agreement. The CRE Agreement enables workplaces and community organisations to stand together to say #violenceisNEVERok. It provides a framework and support for organisations to raise awareness...