Community Chat May 2020
What are the impacts of COVID-19 so far?
Nearly all areas of our lives have been impacted by COVID-19, but as restrictions start to ease, what impacts has the COVID-19 pandemic had on family violence and the gender drivers of this violence so far? There have been a number of articles that highlight some of the impacts, as well as the new ‘Help Is Here’ campaign from the Federal Government, alongside extra funding to support the increased need for family violence support services. It is important that we take time to reflect on these impacts and what they will mean for us, our family, our organisations and communities going forward. Please see below for just a few of many news articles and websites for your reflection (click on the picture to be taken to full articles/website).
Women bear biggest job losses from coronavirus, latest ABS data shows
The data shows there is a 1.9% discrepancy between the number of women and men who have lost their jobs during COVID-19, so far. Although men’s wages have been cut more, the uncertainty and long term consequences of job loss will burden women now and in the future, impacting their financial independence.
In a crisis, a shift: This is the changing face of fatherhood
“Mothers and fathers are renegotiating parenting roles due to and under the pressure brought on by the pandemic . . . fathers are getting a first-hand crash course in the work-family-life juggle.” – Allen, Australian National University
Boost to Domestic and Family Violence services
The Government has announced a $2.4 million increase in funding for ‘No to Violence’ to work with men who use violence and controlling behaviour. The Salvation Army will also receive $320,000 for their Keeping Women Safe in their Homes for its Safer in the Home program, due to the increased demand for this service during COVID-19. There is also the new domestic violence support services campaign ‘Help Is Here’ to increase awareness of support services available. To see some of the television, radio and print ads available to download and share, click here.
Advancing equality at every level: here’s how you can help
With there being growing evidence of COVID-19 increasing cases and severity of family violence, it is important that we step up and push equality forward. This website has some great practical suggestions for how you can impact in advancing equality at the individual, interpersonal, community and society levels.
Victims of violence able to apply for restraining orders online
Family violence victims can now apply for restraining orders online. The initiative is part of the reform package to protect at-risk people during COVID-19. Aboriginal Family Law Services [(08) 9921 6377] and Legal Aid [1800 813 492 or (08) 9921 0200] in Geraldton are registered for online filling of Family Violence Restraining Orders. For more information click on the image.
How is your organisation adapting?
Everyone is having to adapt to the many challenges that COVID-19 has brought. With restrictions constantly changing, what was adapted a week ago, now again has to be changed. Perhaps when this is all over, organisations will have a moment to breathe and reflect on what adaptations they may want to keep post COVID-19 and review what direction they want to take going forward. When this moment comes, the CRE Agreement provides a great foundation for building respect and equality in the workplace, and it would be great if you could encourage any businesses/organisations you think may be interest, to contact us and sign up.