What’s happening at CRE
WACRH signs on to the Community Respect and Equality Agreement to prevent Family Violence in Geraldton
The WA Centre for Rural Health (WACRH) is one of the first organisations in Geraldton to sign up to the Community Respect & Equality (CRE) Agreement for Workplaces. The CRE Agreement enables workplaces and community organisations to stand together to say...
Desert Blue Connect leads the way in family violence prevention
Desert Blue Connect working alongside the CRE Reference group have been instrumental in developing and introducing the Community, Respect, & Equality (CRE) Agreement for organisations and businesses in Geraldton to collectively say that #ViolenceIsNEVERok in our...
The new Community, Respect, and Equality Agreement paves the way for regional respect
Today, Geraldton is taking its first collective step towards a future where family violence is no more, where all people in our community are safe, and where regional respect is the norm. This step is the introduction of the Community, Respect, & Equality...
Local Community, Respect & Equality Champion is a top cop who personally champions family violence prevention
District Superintendent Midwest Gascoyne, Mike Bell, is a Community, Respect and Equality (CRE) Community Champion. The CRE project is a family violence prevention initiative managed by local family service organisation Desert Blue Connect. It forms part of the CRE...