CRE Agreement Information Session
Are you unsure what the CRE Agreement is or are you a recently signed up business and want to know more? Desert Blue Connect will deliver a short CRE Agreement information session for businesses and organisations on Wednesday evening 15th May 2019 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. This will be in our Desert Blue Connect Studio, Entrance 28 Durlacher Street, Geraldton. We will inform participants on what the CRE Agreement is and the requirements to reach Level 1 Accreditation. Both Daphne and Monica from Desert Blue Connect will be available for consultation, resources and information. If you can’t come at this time, please contact us and we can come to you and provide the same information.

Are you in the real estate industry?
On the 20th February 2019 the Residential Tenancies Act (Family Violence) Amendment Bill was passed by the WA Government. This new bill has been designed to help women who experience family violence leave tenancies in which they are unsafe. The amendments officially came into effect on 15 April 2019.
This is a positive change that supports women who are seeking a future free from family violence. The real estate industry has supported the changes and believes that supporting women who experience family violence in a timely manner not only has benefits for the tenant but also the property owner and removes the long and costly court process for both parties. Further information can be found at:

Our Watch Workplace Equality and Respect Resource Hub
Our Watch have just recently released Workplace Equality and Respect, a collated range of resources and tools to help businesses and organisation create a workplace where women are safe, equal and valued. This new resource offers a step by step process that enables you to assess your organisation and identify key actions to make lasting change and a suite of tools and resources that help support you take action.
It also features good practice examples from workplaces across Australia such as organisation action plans and an equitable flexible work policy. There are also templates, videos and guides to help you tailor the process to your workplace. Further information can be found at

Training in Geraldton – Not on Our Watch Bystander Training
The WA Centre for Rural Health is very pleased that Our WATCh has chosen Geraldton as the final location to pilot their bystander training for primary prevention of violence against women. The training, which has not been offered anywhere else in WA, will enable attendees to understand, practice and promote good-practice bystander approaches in their workplace or community organisation.
The training will be delivered over two half days:
1pm – 5pm Wednesday 12 June (afternoon tea provided)
9am – 1pm Thursday 13 June (morning tea and lunch provided)
The first half-day will cover the foundational knowledge on violence against women; gender drivers; intersectionality; ecological model & key conceptual framework of bystander action. On the second half-day, participants will spend time on developing practical bystander actions & building conditions for change.
Venue: WA Centre for Rural Health, Multipurpose Room, 167 Fitzgerald Street, Geraldton
The training is being offered to people who have had some involvement in or exposure to the Community Respect and Equality initiatives including the CRE Agreement, and are interested in developing bystander activities in their workplace or community organisation.
If you are interested in attending please contact
Please remember that space is limited so register your or your organisation’s interest early. Priority will be given to those organisations and people who have already engaged with the Community, Respect and Equality project.
We are always just a phone call away for any of the CRE Agreement businesses and organisations, and are always there to support, advice and mentor as required. Please call the main phone number 08 9964 2742 or Daphne’s mobile 0409 642 745 if you need to contact us.
We looking forward to supporting you in your journey in Phase 1 of the CRE Agreement.