Respectful relationships create meaning within our lives and provide us with a network of support. They are also the foundation for creating a community that is safe and respectful for everyone, with family violence occurring less in communities where women and men are equally respected1.
We recently asked CRE Facebook followers, “what things should we see in respectful relationships,” read what they had to say below:
“Treating each other as equals with kindness and consideration” – Julia Frances
“Placing the needs, rights and freedoms of your partner equal to your own” – Sandra A Kennedy
“Honesty, sharing, trust, equality” – Kylie Hutchinson
You may have also seen as at the RUAH Mental Health Community Concert. Where we were able to speak with over thirty community members about the CRE project and the connection between respectful relationships and preventing family violence. It was great to be able to have these conversations, which will have prompted further discussions among their family and friends, meaning the message will be reaching more than just those that we spoke with. We were also to capture some of their thoughts in this video, asking “what does a respectful relationship look like to you?” – Check it out on the CRE Facebook page, and don’t forget to comment, share and like the page while you’re there! Read more..
Walk Against Violence Event

Free Online Training

Wanting to increase your knowledge about family violence and the gendered drivers? Below are some self-paced online trainings that may be useful for yourself or colleagues.
Gender Equity Victoria
Introduction to Preventing Violence against Women
40 minute e-module exploring the prevalence and impact of family violence, its causes and the primary prevention approach. Suitable for those who play a contributing role in prevention.
More Information
Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Family Violence Foundations
16x20minute self-paced modules covering responding to and preventing family violence.
More information
Injury Matters in the Mid West
Injury Matters in the Midwest
Injury Matters aims for safer people and places. Did you know that injury is the leading cause of death in Western Australian’s aged 4-44 years? In the Midwest, injuries are estimated to cost $281,000,000 each year. Injury Matters will be in the Mid West from 2-6 November 2020 to meet and discuss ways we can prevent and reduce the impact of injury. We have a variety of free trainings and events to promote injury prevention and community safety.
Webinar: Family and Domestic Violence
Join Injury Matters for the Family and Domestic Violence Prevention webinar and learn about family and domestic violence in WA and the Mid West, with guest presenters Monica Puccetti and Beth Martin from Desert Blue Connect who will discuss the Community Respect and Equality Project that is being implemented in Geraldton.
Tuesday 3rd November, 1.30-2.30pm AWST
FREE Lunch and Learn: Injury 101
Join Injury Matters for a FREE lunch and chat about injury prevention and safety promotion in the Mid West. This session is for Local Governments, health services and allied health, and community development professionals. The Lunch and Learn can be attended in-person or via Zoom, please register for more information.
Thursday 5th November, 12-1pm @ MP Room, WA Centre for Rural Health, 167 Fitzgerald Street, Geraldton
Injury Prevention Network
The Injury Prevention Network provides practitioners across WA with an opportunity to connect with each other to share learnings and solutions in injury prevention, community safety and recovery.
Come join us to connect with colleagues in the field.
Friday 6th November, 10-11.30am @ Community Health Group Room, 50-85 Shenton Street, Geraldton
Email: cwold@injurymatters.org.au to confirm attendance
We are only a quick email or phone call away if your organisation needs any support for the CRE Agreement. Please let us know if you want to meet up and brainstorm how you could implement some of the different actions.
Kind regards,