CRE Community Chat – September 2021
Hello everyone!
Here is the Spetember issue of the CRE Community Chat. A list of updates with what has been happening with the CRE over the last few months plus what events are coming up. We hope you enjoy.
CRE Week Summit 2021

The Community, Respect and Equality Summit was held on the 27th May, 2021, with a Welcome Reception at Bundiyarra on May 26th and workshops run by the ManBox Project on the 28th. Over 200 people attended events across the three days. A range of speakers discussed various topics involving family violence prevention focused both locally in Geraldton and on a state or national level. We would like to thank all of the speakers from the summit and slides of their presentations can be found here.
Meet Luke – CRE Coordinator

Hello everyone, my name is Luke and I am the new CRE Coordinator.
I feel I have met many of you before, but in case we haven’t met, here is a little about me.
I have recently moved back to Geraldton from Carnarvon, where I worked as a health promotion officer focusing on healthy relationships and sexual health education throughout the Gascoyne. Previously in Geraldton, I worked on the Men Against Violence project, trying to engage with men about family violence prevention. I have also been a part of research through my Honours study year looking at how family violence is reported in the print media in Geraldton.
I am very excited to be back and looking forward to working with you all on how we can promote gender equality in the workplace to prevent family violence. If you would like to know more about how you or your workplace can help prevent family violence through the CRE, feel free to email me at
Men Against Violence Round – GNFL

The GNFL held its annual Men Against Violence round on the 21st and 22nd August. This round is bought together in collaboration with WA Centre for Rural health and Geraldton Sporting Aboriginal Corporation. This round aims to begin conversations about family violence prevention in football clubs and inform the message that ‘violence is NEVER ok’. Great work by everyone involved!
Level 1 Accreditation

Congratulations to the team at Ruah Community Services who have recently achieved level 1 accreditation. Through their amazing work educating staff about primary prevention of family violence, including the CRE on the agenda of their monthly meetings and community engagement with the CRE they were able to become accredited. Well done Ruah!
Upcoming Events

The WA Centre for Rural health will be hosting ‘Conversations on the Couch’ on Friday 1st October as part of the Big Sky Readers and Writers Festival. The event will be hosted by Sandra Carr and will explore gender norms over time with local WA authors, Craig Silvey and Stella Budrikis.
This is a FREE event but there is limited capacity, your free ticket can be booked here.