Welcome to the CRE Agreement

In September and October of this year we had two new sign ups to the Community Respect & Equality Agreement. A big welcome to WA Country Health Service and Radio MAMA! Thank you for standing with us to say #ViolenceIsNeverOk. Have a read below of to what Radio MAMA have to say about joining the CRE Agreement.
Aboriginal Media Association (Radio MAMA) is committed to helping communities address health and social issues and that’s why we continue provide significant on-air costs in kind to help the community.
Family violence is one that has a devastating impact on the community and it’s why we have signed onto the Community, Respect and Equality agreement and to play our part in building safer communities in the Mid West. Recently over the 16 days in WA campaign we completed a range of activities to raise awareness including: regular interviews with other CRE organisations about their 16 days in WA activities, broadcast numerous community announcements about the campaign, shared content through our social media channels and even turned our channels orange. We look forward to working together with more organisations linked with the CRE so we can help prevent family violence together.”
Congratulations City of Greater Geraldton

The City of Greater Geraldton were proud to recently achieve accreditation in level 1 of the CRE Agreement. Having signed on in April 2019, and supporting the wider project since it commenced in 2017, the CGG has been both passionate and committed to the prevention of family violence in our local community.
“Family violence is a key social and health issue, and primary prevention is vital. By adopting these initiatives and achieving the first level of the accreditation, we continue to pledge the City’s commitment to take action and create awareness to prevent family violence,” City of Greater Geraldton CEO Ross McKim said. Read more..
Orange lit movement lights up Geraldton

The WA Centre for Rural Health’s (WACRH) Healthway funded ‘Conversations For Change’ project works with Mid West organisations signed onto the Community, Respect & Equality Agreement to promote prevention of family violence messaging to the broader community.
16 Days in WA is a State Government campaign to stop violence against women takes place from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to 10 December, which is Human Rights Day. Read more..
CRE Facebook Page
Have you heard about some of the awesome things happening on the CRE Facebook page – and didn’t know where to find it?
Wonder no more – check out the CRE Facebook page, and what organisations got up to over the 16 days in WA campaign by clicking the image below! (Paul, Jill and Sam from Mid West Ports Authority, sporting some very bright aprons at their 16 Days in WA BBQ).

We wish you Merry Christmas and a violence-free new year
Unfortunately Christmas isn’t the happiest of times for everyone, with family violence incidents often increasing over the summer months.
Desert Blue Connect will be open during their usual hours throughout the holidays season, and only closed on public holidays. However the crisis line will be available 24/7 for crisis intervention, support and advocacy (1800 016 789), along with Chrysalis House Women’s Refuge (9964 2173).