At the end of 2020, Aboriginal Family Legal Services (AFLS) joined headspace Geraldton, Midwest Ports Authority, WA Centre for Rural Health and the City of Greater Geraldton in achieving accreditation in level 1 of the CRE Agreement.
AFLS have displayed the CRE logos and family violence brochures throughout their office and all staff have the CRE banner included in their email signatures. Additional to this they have an extensive list of family violence links and resources on their website and intranet, along with having family violence professional development offered and supported for their staff to attend.
Neil Hofmeyr, Managing Solicitor Geraldton, has taken on the role of being the workplaces designated representative and the team have contributed to a number of internal and external awareness raising events. These have included their 16 Days in WA morning tea which included a presentation on coercive control, attending the Walk Against Violence event and hosting the annual Ochre Ribbon Event for stopping family violence in Aboriginal communities.

2020 bought about many challenges for local businesses, organisations and groups in Geraldton. However, it was inspiring to see the organisations listed above overcome these challenges and continue to make the prevention of family violence a priority for their workplace and the community. Congratulations to all, we look forward to seeing Geraldton organisations continue their commitment to CRE, achieve level 1 accreditation and for new organisations to join the CRE Agreement in 2021.