CRE Reference Group
Established in 2016, the CRE Reference Group comprises of key agencies and representative bodies, who provide high level community leadership in the CRE project. Meeting on a monthly basis, this group actively oversees and guides the implementation of actions outlined in the Plan.
As of August 2020, the participating organizations include:
City of Greater Geraldton
Department of Communities
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
National Indigenous Australians Agency
Aboriginal Family Law Service
MEEDAC (Midwest Employment and Economic Development Aboriginal Corporation
Headspace Geraldton
Midwest Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Central Regional TAFE
WA Country Health Service
Women Inspiring Better Business
Ngala Mid West-Gascoyne
WA Police Force
Desert Blue Connect Inc.
Western Australian Centre for Rural Health
Mid West Ports Authority
Recognition is extended to former Reference Group members, including Our WATCh, 360 Health and Community, Ruah, and Access to Leisure and Sport, who have contributed vital support.
Additionally, appreciation is conveyed to the Geraldton Aboriginal Streetwork Association, Aboriginal Family Law Service, and Geraldton Aboriginal Sporting Corporation for their cultural input and involvement in sub-committee meetings to develop the values and codes of behaviour for the CRE Agreement.
CRE Reference Group
The CRE Strategic Action Plan for Family Violence in Geraldton was developed in 2017, providing a well-founded, evidence-based framework for the community’s unified efforts to address and combat violence within a regional context. Developed through extensive community consultations with multiple stakeholders, the Plan was officially launched in September 2017 at the CRE Summit by the Minister for Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence, Simone McGurk. This project was funded by the Department of Social Services.
CRE Summit
The 2017 Community, Respect & Equality Summit successfully showcased experts in the field of primary prevention of family violence to an audience comprising service providers, professionals from various fields, and community members with a vested interest in primary prevention of violence. The three-day event, held from September 27 to 29, 2017, featured a comprehensive program with additional events targeting different sectors of the community, including youth, men and service providers.
The event was made possible with the support of the WA Police Community Crime Prevention fund, and featured guest speakers including:
Jacqui Watt, Chief Executive Officer, No To Violence and Men’s Referral Service
Victoria Cooke, Manager, Justice and Family Services, Ruah Community Services, and consultant, Pandora Enterprise Projects
Luke Ablett, Former AFL Player and Ambassador for The Line
Dorinda Cox, Managing Director, Inspire Change Consulting Group
The Summit served as a prominent forum with the following key objectives:
Educate and inform the audience about the drivers of family violence and associated primary prevention activities applicable within the community.
Introduce the Community, Respect, and Equality Community Champions.
Launch the Community, Respect, and Equality Community Led Action Plan for the Primary Prevention of Family Violence in Geraldton.
Community Champions Project
The 2017 Community, Respect and Equality Community Champions Project, collaborated with eight local community leaders, to promote key messages and education about family domestic violence within the Geraldton – Midwest region, through a variety of media, promotional and community events.
The project saw Community Champions undergo a comprehensive induction, training, mentoring and support process to build individual capacity, confidence and skills. CRE Community Champions spread the CRE messages “respect rules” and “violence is NEVER ok” along with their own messages to promote a violence free community.
Funded by the WA Police, Community Crime Prevention Fund the Community Champions Pilot Project was an identified action in Phase 1 of the Community, Respect and Equality Strategic Action Plan for Primary Prevention of Violence.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the 2017 CRE Community Champions for their contributions and commitment, in modelling and building a community free from violence:
Chris Kerr
Christine Collett
Glenn Barndon
Natasha Harradine
Phil Doncon
Roger Hitchcock
Selina Sibosado
Zane D’mello
CRE Agreement Development & Implementation
In July 2018, Desert Blue Connect secured funding from the Western Australian Police Community Crime Prevention Fund, enabling the commencement of the CRE Agreement project. Through thorough community consultation involving key stakeholders and a dedicated sub-committee, the CRE Agreement was developed, incorporating five agreed-upon values and five codes of behaviour. These values and codes were developed with consideration of the local context, understanding of family violence, and in alignment with the Our Watch – Change the Story framework. Ratified by the CRE Reference Group in October 2018, the CRE Agreement underscores the Community, Respect, and Equality key messages of #RespectRules and #ViolenceisNEVERok and saw the first organisations, of now over 40, join the agreement as signatories.
CRE Week
The 2019 CRE Week served as a dedicated period within our community when we collectively advocated against violence with #ViolenceIsNEVERok in Geraldton. Positioned as an integral component of the broader CRE Strategic Plan, the week underscored the significant need for a community-wide approach to primary prevention of family violence, sought widespread support for such initiatives, and aimed to inspire individuals within our community to eradicate attitudes fostering family violence within their workplaces and communities.
Participation in the CRE Week, and the endorsement of the #ViolenceIsNEVEROk initiative, was open to all. This could be achieved through attendance at CRE Week events hosted by local businesses and organizations or by organizing an event dedicated to promoting a violence-free community. Such events were designed to raise awareness about the issue of family violence in our community and engage community members in collectively denouncing violence.
Key events held during CRE Week 2019 comprised of:
The official launch of the CRE Agreement for Businesses and Organizations
A community walk organized by headspace GeraldtonA CRE-themed playgroup hosted by Ngala, accompanied by multiple morning teas and designated wear-white days (in collaboration with WA Police, City of Greater Geraldton, and Bluff Point Primary School)
Information stalls and displays presented by WA Country Health Service and Horizon House/STAY
A community breakfast held at Mitchel Street Community Centre, organized by Desert Blue Connect, Western Australian Centre for Rural Health, Bluff Point Primary School, Aboriginal Family Law Service, and Geraldton Sporting Aboriginal Corporation.
CRE Summit
The 2021 Community Respect & Equality Summit focused on implementing a community-wide strategy for preventing family violence in Geraldton. The summit served as a platform to bring together local businesses and industries, along with professionals, advocates, survivors, researchers, educators, and trainers dedicated to addressing family violence, to provide inspiration, guidance, professional development and tools to support local individuals, businesses, and industries in taking proactive measures to prevent family violence within their workplaces.
The event was made possible with the support of Mid West Ports Authority, and featured guest speakers including:
Dr. Ann O’Neill – Founder of the charity angelhands, survivor-advocate, and Our WATCh ambassador.
Damian Martin – Former Perth Wildcats skipper, Global Roaming Pilbara Foundation representative, and 16 Days in WA – Stop Violence Against Women ambassador.
Audrey Walker – Gumbaynggirr woman, Our WATCh Senior Practice Advisor for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women.
Paul Zappa – General Manager of The Men’s Project at Jesuit Social Services.