New prevention campaign promotes acting with kindness

Centacare Family Services recently launched their new ‘Act With Kindness, Not With Violence’ primary prevention campaign. It has a variety of approaches that aim to prevent violence in Geraldton.
“Addressing family violence has always been a priority for Centacare Family Services”, Ella Ailenei, Executive Manager Programmes said. “We often support individuals who are impacted directly or indirectly, through the various services we offer.”
“Our desire to support change and address family violence at a wider level has led us to develop the ‘Act with Kindness, Not with Violence’ campaign,” said Ms Ailenei. “We hope to inspire the local community to take action against violence by speaking out, challenging ideas that support family violence, and showing support to others”.
The new campaign has three key elements – men as role models, a video campaign “My kindness can change the world” and information sessions.
As Centacare also operate a Men’s Hub in Geraldton, this became an ideal way for men to be involved in the initiative. This hub will work with men to be ambassadors for change in the community.
Ms Ailenei said, “Through learning more about the drivers and impacts of family violence and speaking out against it, men have an important role in stopping family violence.”
The Men’s Hub will also be running a fortnightly men’s group, with topics such as healthy relationships, social support, emotion regulation, personal development, enhancing resilience and wellbeing being discussed.
Another element of the campaign includes a new video: “My kindness can change the world.” This was developed with Geraldton school children and focuses on being kind, rather than on the negativity usually associated with family violence. The video can be found on the Centacare Family Services Facebook page:
Centacare is also developing content that will be used for information sessions in schools, workplaces and sporting clubs. These will focus on exploring the gendered drivers of family violence and promoting pro-social behaviours.
As a signatory of the Community Respect & Equality Agreement, Centacare is actively involved in the prevention of family violence in the Midwest region. Ms Ailenei said “We hope that by spreading kindness and working alongside the Community, Respect and Equality project and other local service providers, we can make Geraldton a safer and kinder community”.
The campaign is supported by funding from the Community Crime Prevention Fund, WA Police Force.
To get involved contact:
- The Men’s Hub on 9922 0240 or email
- Act With Kindness, Not With Violence campaign, on 9921 1433 or email