Established in 2016, the CRE Reference Group comprises of key agencies and representative bodies, who provide high level community leadership in the CRE project. Meeting on a monthly basis, this group actively oversees and guides the implementation of actions outlined in the Plan.
As of August 2020, the participating organizations include:
- City of Greater Geraldton
- Department of Communities
- Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
- National Indigenous Australians Agency
- Aboriginal Family Law Service
- MEEDAC (Midwest Employment and Economic Development Aboriginal Corporation
- Headspace Geraldton
- Midwest Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- Central Regional TAFE
- WA Country Health Service
- Women Inspiring Better Business
- Ngala Mid West-Gascoyne
- WA Police Force
- Desert Blue Connect Inc.
- Western Australian Centre for Rural Health
- Mid West Ports Authority
Recognition is extended to former Reference Group members, including Our WATCh, 360 Health and Community, Ruah, and Access to Leisure and Sport, who have contributed vital support.
Additionally, appreciation is conveyed to the Geraldton Aboriginal Streetwork Association, Aboriginal Family Law Service, and Geraldton Aboriginal Sporting Corporation for their cultural input and involvement in sub-committee meetings to develop the values and codes of behaviour for the CRE Agreement.